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Mathematical Notation for Python Developers | Propositional Logic

Photo by [Bekky Bekks]( on [Unsplash](


As developers, we require to be always up to date with the new tech stack however we tend to forget the importance of the underlying structure in which new tech stacks are built-in.

I am not saying we are required to be ninjas at assembly or binary but a good understanding of how they work is necessary in order to progress as a developer.

Learning Propositional Logic can help you understand how circuits work programming conditions, writing your code with mathematical notation amongst other things.

Photo by [Laura Gilchrist]( on [Unsplash](

Who Is This Article For

By now, you might be wondering: “Do I need to know Python or Binary to understand this article?”. You do not!

I made this article for anyone who is interested in learning mathematical notation.

Propositional Logic

AND | Conjunction

AND expressions are denoted with the symbol .

a ∧ b = a and b

Both a and b must be true in order for an AND statement to be true or else it will always be false.

|1 ∧ 0 = 0|0 ∧ 1 = 0|1 ∧ 1 = 1 |0 ∧ 0 = 0|

OR | Disjunction

OR expressions are denoted with the symbol .

a ∨ b = a or b

Either a or b must be true in order for an OR statement to be true.

|1 ∨ 0 = 1|0 ∨ 1 = 1|1 ∨ 1 = 1|0 ∨ 0 = 0 |

NOT | Negation

NOT expressions are denoted with the symbols ¬ or ~.

If a = 1 then ~a = 0 or vice versa

Hold on tight it is about to get a bit more complex trust me we can do this together.

Exclusive OR | Exclusive Disjunction | XOR

Exclusive OR expressions are denoted with the symbols or .

The or exclusivity refers to:

  • a or b but not a and b . They can never be both true at the same time.

|1 ⊻ 0 = 1| 0 ⊻ 1= 1|1 ⊻ 1= 0| 0 ⊻ 0 = 0|

If this leaves you a bit confused try this XOR sandbox you will understand it in no time.


NAND is a contraction of not and , meaning its result will always be the opposite of its AND expression. NAND is defined with the symbol .

a ↑ b = ~(a ∧ b)

|1 ↑ 0 = 1| 0 ↑ 1= 1|1 ↑ 1= 0| 0 ↑ 0= 1|

Implies | Conditional

As the name indicates there is a condition involved. Meaning if “If A then B” or “A implies B”. Implies are denoted with the symbol .

|0 → 0 = 1| 0 → 1 = 1|1 → 1 = 1|1 → 0 = 0|

If and Only If | Biconditional

A biconditional is a connective that represents the condition “if and only if”, by checking is both propositions have the same value. Biconditionals are denoted with the symbol .

A ↔ B = (A → B) ∧ (B → A)

|0 ↔ 0 = 1| 0 ↔ 1 = 0|1 ↔ 1 = 1|1 ↔ 0 = 0|


Mathematical notation does not have to be complicated as you have seen. Now I leave it up to you as a challenge to try and create your own expressions and test them.

In case you are a Python developer try and create small algorithms using Propositional Logic Notation.


Propositional Logic | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki

Propositional calculus

Mathematical Notation for Python Developers (Part 1)

Mathematical Notation for Python Developers (Part 2) | Sets continuation